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(Designers Beware!) Why Your Client Might Have it Right

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Public Service Announcement to Designers: Sometimes we have to check our ego at the door. 

Stay with me, I know it’s a hard pill to swallow. 


The golden rule of is sales: Always do right by your client. Although it is common place for UX designers to get the usual, “Make my website/app look pretty”–like an overused pick-up line. 

Some clients actually get the need for UX. 

Using UX to Empathize With Their Customer’s Journey

The market is evolving, and there is a growing need to make UX and design a priority. 

Your client might not be clear on negative space, color choices, or page equilibrium…but they are experts in their audience. 

They know what their market struggles with, what keeps them up at night, and what obstacles are in their way. 

So your client might ask for specific design changes that might not necessarily match with good design ethos, disrupt your layout, and affect sizing. But they are speaking from the lens of their customers. 

Their point of view is from their customer’s wants and needs. They are so close with their market, that their perspective might resonate with their customer base. 

Having an intricate knowledge of their audience helps guide accurate design decisions. Valuable time and energy researching, can be saved by working with the person who hired you. 

A Successful Design Recipe

We as designers must learn this language, understand the pain points, and offer our users an undeniably unique experience that will keep them coming back.

Collaborate with your client to create an experience that is truly one-of-a-kind. Pry into their perspective about their customers. 

In essence, enhance your client’s vision of their design. Ask questions so they focus on proper decisions that will drive the project forward. Design a masterpiece that you and your client will relish on for years to come.

5 Ways Why Your Client Might Have it Right

  1. They know what their market struggles with, what keeps them up at night, and what obstacles are in their way. 
  2. Their point of view is from their customer’s wants and needs. Their perspective resonates with their audience, especially the users interact with their products.
  3. Having an intricate knowledge of their audience help guide accurate design decisions. This saves you time and energy in research.
  4. They are speaking from the lens of the customer. Good design ethos might be disrupted, but there might be a reason to it.
  5. Collaborating with your client to pry into the perspective of their customers, is a recipe for successful design.

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